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What Happens When Exposed To Cement Dust?

You could have a job that involves mixing a batch of concrete, drilling into concrete materials, or using cement in another way. Doing this could expose you to concrete dust and cement, which could lead to serious health challenges in the future. However, it is good to know that one can still safely use cement and concrete while eliminating all health risks.

What Makes Cement Or Concrete Dust Harmful?

Cement is a construction product that can be used in different areas of construction. It is found chiefly in concrete when mixed with aggregates and water. While you can put cement and concrete to good use in the construction industry, there are some health hazards that people need to be aware of before they use them.

Health Hazards Of Inhaling Concrete Dust

Any time you dwell on dust hazards, the first item that will probably cross your mind is a dust mask. This item is needed by workers that may be exposed to cement dust. It protects their lungs, and you likely have seen many workers wearing this mask. That is to say, if you have been anywhere close to where they work with cement. Some people have often wondered why protecting our lungs from cement, and concrete dust is essential.

The primary reason is that cement and concrete contain silica. Inhaling silica dust from these construction materials can predispose anyone to silica-related lung disease. When silica dust is inhaled, it can begin to impair lung function, and in the long run, there will be deadly respiratory complications which are often life-threatening.

The seriousness of the deadly effects of silica dust has made some legal requirements mandatory to protect workers who may be exposed to this harmful dust. While the crystalline silica appears harmless, the substance is quite deadly when in dust form. When reference is made to the biggest killers of construction workers, silica dust comes second after asbestos dust in the list.

As a result, legal requirements are put in place to protect workers from exposure. These requirements are more than the provision of dust masks. Some of the other things that are used for the reduction of exposure of people to silica dust include damping down, extraction, and ventilation.

How Can Concrete Dust Make People Sick?

Concrete dust can make anyone sick; you don’t have to be a construction worker before you know this. You will find crystalline silica in concrete, masonry, and rock. When these microscopic particles that have been reduced to fine dust are inhaled, they can seriously harm the lung. Silicosis may develop when the case becomes extreme, which is a life-threatening health condition.

Steps To Take If You Inhale Concrete Dust

If by accident you discover that you have inhaled concrete dust, the first thing you should consider doing is to drink a lot of water. Sand remains a common ingredient in several types of concrete and masonry products. When silicosis occurs in humans, it is usually a debilitating and irreversible lung condition.

This incurable respiratory problem affects people who inhale dust containing silica particles. However, it is a good respite to know that there are ways silicosis can be prevented. Those who work with concrete can easily inhale dust in their lungs. When this happens, you can flush concrete dust from your lungs by doing the following.

• Find a means of buying an expensive water filter that can support the recovery of your lungs.

• Failure to get rid of the concrete dust from your lungs can make you have persistent alveolitis or pneumoconiosis in case you continue your work on the construction site.

• Get medical attention from your doctor and follow your prescriptions, although it may not remove the concrete dust from your lungs.

How To Get Concrete Dust Out Of Your Lungs

If you find yourself in a place where there is concrete dust, and you mistakenly inhaled it, you don’t have to panic because it is not a death sentence. Do the following things to help you clear the airways of this harmful dust:

• Open your airways: Try to open the airways, as this will help your lungs to expel mucus when you breathe water vapour. This is known as a steam inhalation or steam treatment.

• Cough with control: You can eliminate some toxic substances from your body through natural expulsion. This is usually followed by coughing up mucus.

• Get rid of the excess mucus in the lungs: You can use postural drainage to remove mucus from your lungs. This can be achieved by sleeping in various postures while using gravity to assist you in the process. The prevention of respiratory diseases or their treatment and improved breathing may be achieved through this approach.

• Regular physical activity: When you observe regular physical activity, it can help you to boost your physical and mental wellness. Doing this has been shown to reduce the risk of health problems such as stroke and heart disease.

• Improved metabolic rate: Engaging in physical activities can also improve the body’s metabolic rate, leading to a better supply of oxygen to the muscles. With a better circulatory system, the body can eliminate excess carbon dioxide created while engaging in physical activities.

Can Concrete Dust Damage The Lungs?

People who do not care about dust exposure and do nothing to protect themselves when in such an environment will eventually suffer some form of damage to their lungs if they persist in the habit.

Those who expose themselves to high concentrations of cement dust for a long time will inflate their noses and throats in the short term. With prolonged exposure, occupational asthma may develop over time. Crystalline silica may be found in concrete, masonry, and rock.

When these materials are broken, and their tiny particles get dispersed in the air and inhaled, the lungs may get injured. Silicosis is a fatal respiratory illness that may eventually occur in such people, but the good news is that it can be completely avoided.

How To Eliminate Basement Concrete Dust

The basement is one of the parts of a house that are rarely used and often suffers neglect. This could mean concrete dust may gather from the disintegration of old house parts and should be cleaned out regularly. Failure to do this will only get you and other members of your household exposed to the deleterious effects such dust can cause to your health.

For health reasons, you should consider protecting yourself using the proper kits. Having toolbox talks with a trained professional can help you develop the right items for your protection.

• A face mask, rubber gloves, and safety goggles will be a good precautionary step. These items can stop you from inhaling cement dust into your lungs or getting them into your eyes because these may be hazardous if allowed to happen.

• You should try to reduce the amount of cement dust in the vicinity before cleaning, which may be achieved by vacuuming the entire space.

• You can start with the ceiling and progress to the furniture before ending the cleaning exercise with the ground. You can make your job simpler by using a duster attachment.

• If you use a brush for cleaning, the flooring and furniture may get damaged because cement dust is abrasive. You can use a vacuum with a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter to help discharge the gathered dust outdoors.

• While most of the concrete dust can easily be removed via vacuum cleaning, ensure that you follow this up with damp rag cleaning, as liquids help in dust absorption.

• You can prevent concrete dust from spreading using a suction attachment.

• After concrete dust is generated, you can use an industrial vacuum with a dust-catching attachment to capture and remove it.

Keep Your Environment Free Of Concrete Dust

Your health and safety, as well as that of other family members, matter greatly. It is so important that you cannot trivialise the issue of maintaining an environment at home and work free of concrete dust.

One of the things you must remember to do is to maintain a regular cleaning routine for every part of your home, as this is a sure way to reduce dust load in whatever form. If you are not sure about the air quality of the environment you live or work, hire a professional management company to assess your environment and keep it free of concrete dust.

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